Home > 93 Cents

93 Cents

May 28th, 2010 at 01:50 am

After twice through the line at Food Lion I ended up with:

15 Kraft Salad Dressings
9 Jars of Peter Pan Peanut Butter (I debated with
myself whether or not I should get All Natural)
6 Benedryl

The cost of each deal was 31 cents. I saved over $60 off the full retail value. Some would not pay full retail, so I saved about $45 off the sale price.

Structure of a deal is important. It allows you to get the maximum for your money. Although doing it on the grocery level gives small returns each time, adding up to alot over time, it is definitely a lesson for bigger life decisions and choices.

1 Responses to “93 Cents”

  1. Jerry Says:

    How did you manage this? That is an amazing deal that has to lead the grocery store to wonder what they are doing wrong... =) How many coupons do you need in order to have some insurance of achieving a similar result?

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